Plymouth Cat Sitting
Cats are known for being independent. Even so, they also love their people, and deserve the best care.
When you can’t be home the Pet Sitters at Just Around the Corner help your cat keep a regular schedule of feeding and litter cleaning. That means we cater to your kitty’s needs and wishes to keep them happy. In other words, we will feed them, give water, pet and play, comb (if they let us!), administer meds, and keep company with your precious fur baby.
Fees start at $28. We offer 20 minute, 30 minute, 45 minute, and 60 minute visits, depending on what your fur baby needs. We can come once, twice, or more times per day. Let us know what works best for you and for them!
Additional fees may apply, including potentially
- Mileage fee
- Last Minute Request fee ($10 per visit requested within 48 hours)
- Holiday fee ($15 per visit)