5 Amazing Tips Every Dog Owner Should Know

5 Amazing Tips Every Dog Owner Should Know

Ok, so maybe you have been a dog owner all your life or maybe you are just about to pick up your very first puppy. No matter how much or how little experience you have we could all use some amazing tips in our pet parenting tool belt, right?! If you are looking to lay a positive puppy foundation, build a stronger bond with your dog, and keep your pet happy and healthy year-round, look no further! It’s time to dive into 5 tips that will change your life as a pet parent!

1. First things first: Puppies

Let’s start at the very beginning, shall we? Have you ever had a dog who wouldn’t let you clip their nails or even brush behind their ears? You are not alone; this is far more common than you might think. When you first get a new puppy there are certain things you can introduce to them right off the bat to avoid potential difficulties in the future. As a pup much of their fear, like a baby, has not developed yet. The window of opportunity to familiarize them with things that have the potential to become frightening to them is smaller than you might think. We suggest starting the introduction process as soon as your fur baby arrives and maintaining consistency throughout puppyhood. Below is a list of activities to use as a starting point along with suggested timing. Every household is different so add or take away based on what makes the most sense for you and your new family member.

  • Nail clipping: multiple times a week, even if you just pretend it will get them used to the clippers, the sounds, and the feeling of you touching their paws.
  • Brushing: daily, use a few different types of brushes on any given week to alter the feel, this will help them to feel more comfortable when they go to the groomer, who uses a different brush than they are “used to”.
  • Bathing: weekly, they may not always need it and it may be best not to shampoo every week (to keep their skin from drying out) but it is important that they practice getting in the tub/shower/clam shell and all the actions that go along with getting a bath. This will make you and your groomer’s life much easier in the future.

2. The Great Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a super food for our pups! It is no secret that every dog experiences diarrhea at some point in their lives. If your dog is having tummy trouble and producing soft/runny stool, try giving them a scoop of pumpkin. Pumpkin is rich in fiber which helps to ease digestion, absorbs water, and supplies energy to stimulate positive function of the intestines. Fiber is a prebiotic which helps to promote beneficial bacteria and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. Mix a scoop of pumpkin in your pets’ food or give it on its own the next time they have an upset tummy. Keep a can of plain pumpkin in your pantry just for your furry friend.

Dog and their owner watching the sunset

Dog and their owner watching the sunset

3. Parting is such sweet sorrow

Let’s face it, many of us haven’t been away from our pets for more than a few hours here and there for the last year! The more we are around our pets, the more difficult departures can be on them. When we go from spending all day every day together to leaving for long periods of time it disrupts our pet’s routine and comfort level. Separation anxiety takes hold in so many of our furry friends but there are things we can actively to do ease their nervousness.

  • Practice your “exit routine” without the exit Go about your normal routine before leaving the house and then DON’T. It will make the “real thing” far less hyper for your pet.
  • Leave on the TV or Radio The human element and sound will offer them comfort.
  • Stay calm It can be difficult to remain at ease when we know how upset our pet gets when we leave. They will feel that energy so be sure to take a few deep breaths and remain calm when you go to depart.
  • Pawsitive association Our recommendation is a frozen peanut butter filled Kong. Any special treat or new toy to keep them happy and busy as you head out the door will do!
  • Exercise daily A tired pup is a happy pup.
Dog drinking water from a bowl

Dog drinking water from a bowl

4. H20

Did you know that your dog should drink 1 ounce of water per day for every pound of body weight? For large breed dogs that means over 100oz of water EVERY DAY! It may come as a surprise, but dogs are made up of 80% water, as opposed to the human 55-60%. This means it is 20-25% more likely for a pet to become dehydrated. Yikes! In order to prevent dehydration, it is important to know what this looks like in our pets.

  • Loss of appetite
  • Reduced energy levels
  • Lethargy
  • Heavy panting
  • Sunken eyes
  • Dry mouth/gums
  • Loss of skin elasticity

If you pet experiences any of these symptoms try to entice them with a fresh bowl of water. Whenever possible monitor your pet’s water intake. It is not always easy to measure exactly how much our pet is drinking on a daily basis but see our list below to  help promote water consumption.

  • Keep water bowls clean.
  • Use more than one water dish.
  • Frozen treats
  • Get a drinking fountain.
  • Add water to your pet’s food.

As always, our goal as a pet parent is to have the happiest and healthiest pets possible. Knowing the signs of dehydration and tips for how to keep your pet hydrated will keep your fur baby living their best life all year long!

A kid giving his dog a hug

A kid giving his dog a hug

5. Hug your dog!

Our pups associate touch with feelings of happiness and belonging. When we give a hug our bodies (both human and canine) release oxytocin, a feel-good chemical, which has a significant positive impact on the body. Something as simple as a hug can strengthen the bond between man and man’s best friend. It has been proven that a dog who feels safe and secure not only physically but emotionally is much less likely to exhibit destructive behaviors within their environment ex. chewing on furniture or using the bathroom in the house. Give a hug and you will build their confidence, strengthen your bond, and live in harmony.

There you have it, 5 tips that will enhance you and your pup’s life far beyond what you can imagine. Everyone needs a few tricks for those challenging circumstances, to keep your pet operating smoothly and cultivate a loving bond. Now you can feel like an expert in your own home and share these amazing tips with all your pet parent pals. Do you have an amazing pet parenting tip that has worked for you? Tell us about it in the comments below!

Just Around the Corner offers daily Dog Walking , Dog Hiking, and Pet Sitting in Plymouth, MA. To learn more about how Just Around the Corner can help, check out our Services Page. You can also Contact Us for more information. Be sure to Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Instagram!



8 Tips to Keep Your Pet Happy & Healthy This Winter

8 Tips to Keep Your Pet Happy & Healthy This Winter

Whether your pet loves or hates it, winter is an inevitable part of all our lives. Knowing what is best for your pet is the key to keeping them happy and healthy through the cold and usually dreary months. Fun fact, when our pets feel safe and healthy they will naturally enjoy whatever season they are experiencing. So, let’s dive right in to eight great ways to keep your pet happy and healthy this winter!

1.      Know Your Pet

No one knows your pet like you do. Therein lies the joy and responsibility for using your best judgement when it comes to pet activities and outings during the winter months. Only you can discern if Lily the kitty can play out in the screened in porch a few minutes in the afternoons, or if Duke your Chihuahua should be indoors 100% of the time since he never stops shivering, or if Esmerelda the St. Bernard can spend hours enjoying the backyard and never get too cold. Trust the knowledge you have of your pet and keep a watchful eye on them so you can adjust as necessary.

A cat sitting on a windowsill inside to keep warm during winter

A cat sitting on a windowsill inside to keep warm during winter

2.      Paw Check!

Snow and ice and sand OH MY! After every outing be sure to wipe your pet’s paws thoroughly. Make sure you remove any snow/ice clumps and clear out grainy ice melt or sand as it can get embedded in their fur and paw pads making a simple task like walking extremely uncomfortable for them. Not getting anywhere with the typical towel cleaning? Try a Dexas Mudbuster to make life a little easier and ensure your pet’s paws are free of debris every time!

3.      Shine Bright

Surprise! It gets dark around 4:00 PM during the winter, so chances are at least one walk a day is in the dark. Always wear reflective gear (both you and your dog) along with a light (preferably flashing) to ensure you are visible to other walkers and vehicles. Why you AND your dog? Heaven forbid your dog gets away from you! Being able to SEE them is of paramount importance to getting them home safe and sound. Shine brightly and stay safe this winter!

4.      Leash up!

Did you know that pets have a greater chance of becoming lost during the cold season due to a lack of scents accessible to them? It is true! When heading out for a winter excursion or play date consider keeping your pet leashed up or making sure their play space is enclosed. In addition, always keep a collar with an up-to-date ID tag on them. Unsure about the terrain of a trail or what wildlife you may come across? Better to be safe than sorry, leash up and keep your loving companion safely by your side all winter long.

Cat hiding in car wheel to stay warm during the winter

Cat hiding in car wheel to stay warm during the winter

5.      Beware of hiding spots

Outdoor/stray cats and other small animals are always looking for places to stay warm during the winter. Before starting up your car or using a piece of machinery in your shed double check that somebody has not made themselves a cozy little home in there! Likewise, winter can be tough on nature. Pay close attention to where birds, squirrels, and other less “pet like” animals are nestling down on and around your property. Be mindful and do your best not to disrupt or destroy their winter homes.

6.      Grooming

The winter is for letting ourselves go a bit, isn’t it? Well, our pets are right there with us for that one. Much like the cracking finger tips we experience from excessive hand washing our pet’s skin dries out much more quickly in the winter. While bathing is important unfortunately it washes away helpful oils that keep their skin moist, thus causing itching, irritability, and even painful cracking. In addition, when it comes time for a trip to the groomer be sure to ask that they leave a little more length than they do in warmer months. Our pet’s fur is a natural and necessary part of keeping them protected during the bitter winter months.

7.      Antifreeze

Antifreeze is a deadly liquid that attracts pets due to its sweet taste. YIKES! Always clean up thoroughly after use and keep an eye out for any spills/leaking from your vehicle. Consider trying an alternative antifreeze that uses propylene glycol. Propylene glycol is less tasty, biodegradable, and does not cause kidney damage like ethylene glycol. No matter what product you use always keep out of reach of your pets to ensure their safety.

White dog with large stick enjoying winter snowfall

White dog with large stick enjoying winter snowfall

8.      Winter Rule of thumb

Remember, if it’s too cold for you, chances are it is too cold for your pet. There are always exceptions to the rule but even if your dog is the “made for winter” type, such as a Husky or Newfoundland, they all have their cold weather limits. A great way to discern whether your winter loving pet will be safe and comfortable outside is to put on your winter coat and head outside yourself. However long you feel comfortable in the current elements is probably close to the same for your pup. Never assume your furry friend can handle the cold, snowy, or icy weather, test it out to keep them safe.

Winter is unavoidable here in New England so we might as well make the best of it! Understanding your pet and their needs will help you decide what actions to take when it comes to outdoor activities, proper grooming, and knowing their limits. Always cleanup toxic spills, remain visible when out at night, be mindful of the nature around you, and do what is best to always keep your pet safely in your care. These 8 simple tips will have your pet enjoying winter all season long.

Just Around the Corner offers daily Dog Walking , Dog Hiking, and Pet Sitting in Plymouth, MA. To learn more about how Just Around the Corner can help, check out our Services Page. You can also Contact Us for more information. Be sure to Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Instagram!


Why Hire A Professional Pet Sitter?

Why Hire A Professional Pet Sitter?

Have you ever hired or thought about hiring a professional pet sitter? If not, get ready because the benefits are pretty AMAZING! What pet parent doesn’t love a customizable care option for their precious furry, feathery, or scaley family members? The wide range of benefits a pet sitter provides go well beyond delivering great care to the animals on their watch. Whether you are getting away on business or pleasure and no matter for how many days at a time, having someone you can trust to care for not only your pet, but also for your HOME is of paramount importance. Curious why you should hire a pet sitter in 2021? We are letting the cat out of the bag with our top 4 reasons to go with a Professional Pet Sitter.

1.      Reliable & Equipped

Family, friends, and neighbors are a wonderful option when it comes to pet care, but take it from us, sometimes it is more convenient and safer to hire the professionals. One of the many benefits of hiring an established pet care company is that no matter the circumstances there will always be someone to come in and care for your pet. No last-minute texts that read “I can’t make it today, something came up,” or “I have a family emergency and won’t be able to pop over for the dogs today.” Reading this while you are hours from home is a helpless feeling! Not only is a professional pet sitter reliable, they just so happen to be insured and are a professionally trained employee with extensive pet care experience. Why is this important you ask? Things happen: pets get sick, they chew on the wrong thing, or they may hide and refuse to eat when mom or dad are away. A professional pet sitter will be able to recognize potentially urgent behaviors as well as have tools to provide the utmost care for a nervous or scared pet. No one wants their pet to be miserable while they are away. Hire a professional pet sitter for the best care possible for your pet.

Dog enjoying being home with a pet sitter to care for them

Dog enjoying being home with a pet sitter to care for them

2.      Home Sweet Home

Let’s be honest, we are ALL most comfortable when we are in our own home doing all the homey things we like to do on a daily basis, right? Our pets are the same way, creatures of habit, they love the simple pleasures that come from being in their own home. Who doesn’t enjoy having their own food dish, that blanket with it’s special smell, and of course the spot next to the window where you love to lay in the afternoon. Boarding at a facility is great in some cases but for many of our fur babies there is nothing like the comfort of staying in the place they are most comfortable, home. Hiring a pet sitter allows your pet to keep all the comforts of their daily life (minus their human parents) and keep as much normality as possible. Skip the boarding next time and give in-home pet sitting a try.

Added protection for your home when you are away and hire a pet sitter

Added protection for your home when you are away and hire a pet sitter

3.      Extra House Security

Let me tell you an actual story.  How lucky that these clients wanted to have their fur babies stay in their own home.  Just Around the Corner was hired to do three visits per day to take care of Brady, their beloved Boxer, and his two feline sisters, Amber and Anabelle.  For the first two days, we visited, fed, and played with everyone, and all was going well.  On the third day of their 10-day vacation, as we drove down their road at 6:30 in the morning on our way to take care of them we could see smoke coming from their house.  Our hearts, of course, starting pumping ……and going through our minds were the babies in the house.  We ran right in and found all the animals waiting for us in the living room looking anxious.  We got all of them out of the house and put them in our car.  We called 911 and the fire department responded quickly.  On inspection of the house, the fire department found a faulty wire in the heating system.  They said in another hour it would have sparked a fire, which could have been a total loss.  Because we were there to pet sit, we were able to get the pets to safety, call the fire department and have someone come out and fix the heating system. No security system would have been able to bring that human element to this situation, which is what hiring a pet sitter can provide.  Here are 4 additional security measures a pet sitter can provide:

  • Bring in the mail and papers daily.
  • Rotate the lights through-out the home each day to give the appearance that the home is occupied.
  • Security check: doors, windows, and garages are all secured and/or locked.
  • Rotate blinds and shades.

4.      Peace of Mind

Want to relax on your vacation or be able to focus on your important business trip? Hiring a professional pet sitter will provide the peace of mind you and your pet deserve no matter your travel plans. The ease of knowing your pet will feel comfortable at home, that they will be taken care of exceptionally well, and that your home will have an extra layer of security are all ways a pet sitter provides peace of mind. Did I mention that pet sitters also send daily photos and messages to let you know how your pet is doing while you are away? Yep, they sure do! In addition, if you have concerns or just want an extra update at any point in your trip Just Around the Corner is just a phone call away. Say Yes to hiring a professional pet sitter for your next travel dates.

Just Around the Corner Pet Sitting in Plymouth, MA cares for ALL pets

Just Around the Corner Pet Sitting in Plymouth, MA cares for ALL pets

 Perks of Using Just Around the Corner Pet Sitting

  • Packages will be brought in daily
  • Not just for dogs and cats – All pets under your roof/on your property will be cared for including but not limited to fish, birds, bunnies. chickens and reptiles!
  • Bird feeders filled
  • Plants watered

A professional pet sitter is a no brainer when it comes to choosing the pet care option that keeps your pet at their highest comfort level possible (next to snuggling with YOU on the couch). So next time you are planning a trip of any kind and are in the market for pet care consider hiring a professional pet sitter. You can be sure that both you and your pet will have peace of mind the entire time!

Just Around the Corner offers daily Dog Walking , Dog Hiking, and Pet Sitting in Plymouth, MA. To learn more about how Just Around the Corner can help, check out our Services Page. You can also Contact Us for more information. Be sure to Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Instagram!

5 New Year’s Resolutions Your Dog Will Thank You for

5 New Year’s Resolutions Your Dog Will Thank You for

Well, 2020, you have been REAL, but we can’t say that we are sorry to see you go… Thanks for the tough lessons but now it’s time to level up and set ourselves and (most importantly) our dogs up for success in 2021! Getting intentional about how you can improve your dog’s quality of life, increase their day to day enjoyment, and strengthen your relationship is what it’s all about as we head into the New Year. So how the heck do you set resolutions for your dog you ask? Not to worry! We have broken down 5 pawesome New Year’s resolutions for your dog and given you ways  to follow through to make them happen all year long.

1.      Exercise 5 Times A Week

Whether your pup could stand to lose a few pounds, or you just want to improve their overall health increasing the amount of exercise your dog receives is the way to go! Exercise outside of the home provides mental stimulation, helps to maintain a healthy digestive and circulatory system, and makes them a happier more well-rounded pup. Tired of the same old walking routine with your dog? Try spicing up your exercise schedule with one of these:

  • Go for a hike
  • Bring them along on a leisurely bike ride
  • Head to the beach for a swim
  • Play Fetch
  • Give skating a try (Inline skating, rollerblading, or skateboarding)
Dashchund getting annual vet exam in Plymouth MA

Dog getting an annual vet exam

2.      Schedule Annual Physical

Our pets can’t talk (well not in English anyway) to let us know that their teeth are bothering them or that their hips are aching. Fortunately, having your pet seen for an annual exam helps to identify those hard to detect issues and so much more. In a nose to tail exam a vet will be able to detect small problems before they escalate and become serious issues. When health issues  are caught early they are often easier to resolve, less expensive, and allow your pet to avoid any intense pain that may have come with late detection. Everything from eyes and skin to vital organs such as the kidneys, liver, and heart will be checked at their appointment. Aside from the full physical exam there are also a few other perks to having your pet seen by a veterinarian.

  • Nail clipping by a pro (you may have to ask)
  • Up to date on Rabies and other vaccines (required for a License)
  • Set up on heartworm prevention
  • Updated flea and tick treatment for the year
  • Microchipping (discuss your options)

Having an annual physical is the way to go. Keep your pet’s health first and schedule their appointment with your local vet today.

3.      More Playdates, Please!

Socialization for our pups is a key component to a happy life. Just because our dog gets to see us every day (sometimes all day) does not mean they are being fulfilled socially. Playtime with other dogs is important to giving them a well-rounded personality and life. Playdates are more than great exercise; they teach our pups how to behave in public, providing far more mental stimulation than just snuggling on the couch every night. Socialization will boost your dog’s confidence with each new interaction. Enjoy having people over? By exposing them to other people, places, and dogs they will be better behaved when you have parties or friends and family over to the house. Here are 5 examples of playdates for your pup:

  • Go for a walk with a human friend
  • Doggy Daycare!
  • Meet up with a friend and their dog on the beach or at a local trail (click here or here to find dog-friendly trails in Plymouth, MA)
  • Hit the dog park
  • Enjoy dinner at an outdoor, pet friendly restaurant

All this socialization will make your dog well adjusted for most any situation.

Group dog training

Group dog training

4.      Join A Class/ Activity Group

We all enjoy learning a new skill or joining a hobby group like a book club or knitting group. Why not give your dog the same opportunity to expand their abilities or practice something they enjoy in a group setting? Many dogs enjoy the challenge of training not to mention the bonding time gained. Experts also recommend a training refresher course every 2 years. Here are 3 pawesome opportunities to develop a new skill or enjoy some of their favorite activities in 2021.

  • Enroll in a weekly hiking group. Just Around the Corner offers group hiking up to 5 days a week Monday-Friday in Plymouth, MA. Now accepting new hiking clients.
  • Obedience training. Whatever their skill level in the training department there is a class that can help your dog grow and thrive.
  • Swim class. If your dog enjoys the water have them attend a class that allows them to enjoy it in the best way for them such as dock diving, water rescue training, or swim lessons.


5.      Increase Bonding

We all have those relationships in our lives that we work to make a priority day in and day out. The relationship with our pets is one that should go at the top of that list. Much like a spouse, when the bond of a dog and their owner is strong the whole household runs smoother, am I right? Try these 7 tips to grow your bond and strengthen the relationship you have with your pet.

  • Remain Calm: Breathe, speak softly, avoid sharp movements and yelling.
  • Physical Affection: Belly rubs, booty scratches, ear massage, add your pet’s favorite spot!
  • Do things together: Go for a walk downtown, grab an ice cream, take a drive.
  • Communicate Clearly: Give directions they understand and only give one command at a time.
  • Special treatment: add some extra love to their food with something delicious and dog safe.
  • Learn more about them: Take note of what they like/dislike, activities they enjoy, and where they feel most comfortable.
  • Educate yourself: Spend some time learning more about your dog’s breed(s) to know the best ways to exercise, groom and take care of them.
Dog paw and human hand

Dog paw and human hand

Pets are part of the family and we believe in treating them like family. Take some time to choose and set a few of our 5 New Year’s resolutions for your dog. Not only will these resolutions benefit your pup they will positively impact your entire household. When every member of the family is at their best and being appreciated for all they bring to the table 2021 cannot be anything but great!

Ensure that your pets are taken care of this holiday season with Just Around the Corner. Just Around the Corner offers pet care of all kinds, including daily Dog Walking , Dog Hiking, and Pet Sitting in Plymouth, MA. To learn more about how Just Around the Corner can help, check out our Services Page. You can also Contact Us for more information. Be sure to Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Instagram!


Pet Sitting Offers Peace of Mind for the Holidays

Pet Sitting Offers Peace of Mind for the Holidays

Let me ask you something…What is your peace of mind worth to you this holiday season? What if I told you that hiring a pet sitter would not only add to your peace of mind but check off some pretty big “to do’s” on your list not just one day but as many days as you need it! As the days get shorter and the lists get longer “peace of mind” seems to fly out the window for most of us as we go full throttle into the merry mayhem. All the while our pets just sit lovingly by and let it happen. Hiring a professional pet sitter is the greatest gift you can give your pet this year. Whatever your circumstances, there is always room for pet centered peace of mind.

What does your holiday season look like?

  • Working from home
  • Day Trip(s)
  • Checking off your “to do” list
  • Weekend getaway
  • Long Workdays (out of the home)
  • Simply not enough hours in the day

The holidays can be stressful but the care for your pet does not have to add to the strain. You may think pet sitting is only for when you are away on vacation or on a long holiday; hiring a pet sitter can actually transform your holiday season even if you never leave town! If you are like me, you have a to do list that is a mile long: gifts to buy, meals to prep, a house to decorate. Let’s not forget your non-holiday duties  -ahem-  work, clean the house, rake the leaves, help the kids, walk the dog, feed the cat, *DEEP BREATH* dinners to cook, work outs to do, friends to see, even if only on zoom…the list really does go on and on! So, we plan, make our to do lists, and then we divi up tasks, right? You give the “clean house” item to a professional, check. You’ve started letting someone else do the grocery shopping with that easy breezy “pick up” option, check. Now you can graciously give away the time consuming and repetitive pet duties to free up time for more fur baby snuggles! Don’t be a stressed-out pet parent this holiday. Just Around the Corner is here to do what we do best, take care of your pets!

JAC employee feeding a cat and dog treats.

JAC employee feeding a cat and dog treats.

JAC Facts

  1. We operate 365 days a year to be there for your pets whenever you need us!
  2. Visit times start as early as 7:00am and can be as late as 9:00pm and anything in between.
  3. Our pricing is based on the visit length, we charge the same for 1 pet as we do for 5 pets.
  4. Visit length options are 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and 1-hour
  5. Our scheduling is 100% customizable for you and your pets needs.

Ex. Up early and out of the house all day? How does this sound…

  • 7:00am visit to feed your pets and take the pup(s) for a walk (1- hour visit)
  • 11:00am-1:00pm visit to walk the dog (45 min visit)
  • 4:00-6:00pm visit for a let out in the backyard and dinner served to the dog(s) and cat(s). Just in time for you to come home from work and relax.

Check out JAC FAQ  here.

JAC cat client waiting for their breakfast to be served.

JAC cat client waiting for their breakfast to be served.

Customize Your Pet Care

Just Around the Corner offers customizable pet care options to create a sustainable schedule that works for both you and your pet(s). Whether you need early morning visits, have 4 dogs, your chickens need tending for the weekend or you are away on vacation and need 5 visits a day for a week, JAC has you covered! Below you will find 3 custom pet care schedule examples. Please note these are only 3 of hundreds of ways to establish visit schedules for your pets that are tailored to the needs of you and your furry family.

The Working-from-Home Dog Walk

  • 8:00am 1 hour visit to take the dog out for a nice walk to start the day and ensure they will sleep a good portion of it while you work.
  • 12:00pm 30 minute visit for an easy stroll around the neighborhood so you can enjoy your full lunchbreak without having to tend the dog.
  • 4:00pm 1 hour visit to take the dogs out for a nice walk followed by serving their dinner. This way when 5 o’clock hits you can settle in for the evening and just relax.

Long Days out of the home with Cats and Dogs

  • 7:00am 45 minute visit. Feed the cats and dogs. Then take the pups for a nice morning walk. (adjustable start time depending on when you leave the house)
  • 12:00pm 30 minute visit for lots of loving and play time for everyone!
  • 4:00pm 45 minute visit. Feed cats and dogs. Walk the dogs.
  • 9:00pm 30 minute visit. Provide love and affection to all before they settle in to bed and mom/dad get home.

Day Trips with Kitties

  • 9:00am 30 minute visit to refresh water and food as well as play and give lots of love.
  • 4:00pm 30 minute visit to feed dinner, play, and clean litter boxes.
  • You are home by 10:00pm and don’t have a single thing you need to do regarding the kitties except snuggle and tell them how much you missed them!
JAC group dog hiking clients enjoying a rest.

JAC group dog hiking clients enjoying a rest.

Benefits of a holiday season with JAC

  • Happier Pets
  • Great exercise for your dog(s)
  • Extra love and play for your pets
  • Pet meals served on schedule, even if you are not home
  • Less stress for you
  • Less stress for your pets
  • Peace of mind as often as you need it
  • More time for YOU to do what you need to this holiday season!

Whatever your life looks like this time of year there is a pet care option that will make you and your pet’s life merry and bright! Ensure that your pets are taken care of this holiday season with Just Around the Corner. Schedule your pet care visits with us today and head into the holidays with peace of mind and very merry pets!

Just Around the Corner offers pet care of all kinds, including daily Dog Walking , Dog Hiking, and Pet Sitting in Plymouth, MA. To learn more about how Just Around the Corner can help, check out our Services Page. You can also Contact Us for more information. Be sure to Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Instagram!


3 Course Thanksgiving Menu Your Dog Will Love  

3 Course Thanksgiving Menu Your Dog Will Love  

Thanksgiving is almost here and while you are planning out your feast or what to bring this year don’t forget about the dogs in your life! Whether you are hosting or joining, if pups will be in attendance these three dog safe recipes are a MUST for your furry friends this holiday. While yummy scraps of people-food are usually well received, they are not always the safest or healthiest for our pets. Our pets have offered us comfort, therapy, and companionship in, dare I say, the wildest year to date. The least we can do is give them the Thanksgiving meal of their doggy dreams!

Our 3 Course Menu:

Appetizer: Sweet Potato Chews

Main Course: Turkey Meatloaf

Dessert: Pumpkin Pie

Click on each link to download a printable recipe card, or click here to get all three: 3 Dog Friendly Recipes

Sweet Potato Chews

Both heathy and satisfying, these sweet potato appetizer chews are the perfect way to start a Thanksgiving meal made for a king/queen, and with only 3 ingredients prep is super easy. The primary ingredient, sweet potatoes, are an excellent source of vitamin A, known to promote healthy skin, coat, eyes, nerves, and muscles in dogs. As well as rich in vitamin B, C, potassium, and calcium to name a few! Healthy and delicious is a winning combination for anyone, especially our pets. These sweet treats will whet your dog’s whistle before they even come out of the oven.

sweet potato, olive oil, cinnamon - ingredients for dog treats - Plymouth, MA

Dog Friendly Sweet Potato Chew ingredients


  • 2 large sweet potatoes
  • 2 Tbsp. olive oil
  • Cinnamon (to sprinkle, optional)

Note: Double or reduce this recipe based on your dog’s size and appetite.


  1. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F.
  2. Slice sweet potatoes length wise about ¼” thick. Cut strips in half for smaller treats.
  3. Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil or parchment paper.
  4. Place sweet potatoes on a cookie sheet (I prefer a cookie sheet over a bowl) to toss in olive oil. Each strip should be coated thoroughly but not standing in olive oil.
  5. Sprinkle with cinnamon (If desired, they are yummy with or without it!)
  6. Bake for 2.5 – 3 hours. (The long cook time is what makes these chews tougher and longer lasting the way our dogs like it.)
  7. Let cool. Then serve!
  8. Store in airtight storage container in the refrigerator for 2 weeks or freeze for up to 4 months.

Get the recipe card for this delicious doggy appetizer here!

Dog Friendly Sweet Potato Chews

Dog Friendly Sweet Potato Chews

Turkey Meatloaf for dogs

Introducing the star doggy dish this holiday, Turkey Meatloaf for dogs!  This main course is the “feel good food” your dog has been waiting their entire life for! This recipe is great for dogs with sensitive systems or who are allergy prone. From protein to plant-based nutrients this health-conscious meal is one that every dog owner/friend can get behind. Edible for humans and cats too!


  • 1 lb ground turkey
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cups cooked rice
  • 8 oz. peas or chopped green beans (whichever you have on hand is great!)
  • 3 large carrots, diced
  • 1 apple, diced


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. Mix ALL ingredients together in a large bowl with your hands. Like meatloaf, you do not want to over work the meat. Using your hands will make combining all ingredients quicker and easier.
  3. Scoop mixture into your pan of choice. I used a loaf pan, same as when I make meatloaf for the humans in my life. A muffin tin is great for a smaller snack size turkey feast or for smaller dogs. Whatever pan you choose, be sure to adjust your cook time accordingly. (see below)
  4. Time to bake!
  • Loaf pan 60 minutes
  • Muffin tin 35 minutes
  1. Let cool before serving and store leftovers in an airtight container. Leftovers should last up to 4 days or freeze for up to 4 months.


Want a FREE downloadable recipe card for this dog friendly deliciousness? Click here

Dog Friendly Turkey Meatloaf

Dog Friendly Turkey Meatloaf

Dog approved Pumpkin Pie

No meal is complete without dessert, even for your dog! Now you and your pup can enjoy pumpkin pie together. These canine approved pumpkin pies are both adorable and enjoyable. I made them in regular size muffin tins, but for the tiny pups in your life consider using a mini muffin tin for manageability and increased quantity. Happy Turkey Day to all you fur babies out there. Show your parents some extra post-Thanksgiving meal snuggles when you finish off this lip-smacking third and final course.

Pie Crust

  • 1 cup Almond flour (can substitute Whole-wheat flour, note it is not GF)
  • 4 Tbsp. coconut oil
  • 6 Tbsp. cold water

Pie Filling

  • 6 oz pumpkin puree
  • 1 Tsp. ground cinnamon
  • pinch ground ginger
  • Greek yogurt (to dollop on top)


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. Combine almond flour and coconut oil into a food processor and pulse until mixed. Add water slowly until dough holds together.
  3. Once dough is consistent divide into 4 even sections and roll into 3 ½” rounds.
  4. Place dough into a parchment lined muffin tin. Use a fork to mold edges of the dough as desired.
  5. Bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown.
  6. While baking your crust, combine pumpkin puree, ground cinnamon, and ginger into mixing bowl. Mix well.
  7. Removed the cooked crusts from oven and let cool.
  8. Once your crusts have cooled remove them from the muffin tin.
  9. Spoon your filling evenly into each pie shell.
  10. Pop back in the oven for 5 minutes to give it that warm pumpkin pie taste.
  11. Remove from oven, add a delicious dollop of Greek yogurt to the top and VOILA! Dessert is served for your deserving pup.

Click here for a FREE recipe card to this sweet treat!

Pet Friendly Pumpkin Pie

Pet Friendly Pumpkin Pie

Become the canine favorite this Thanksgiving!

There you have it, a three course Thanksgiving meal for the deserving dogs in your life. These recipes will keep them safe and satisfied to reduce the pleading for the potentially hazardous human trimmings we all love so much. Don’t miss your chance to be the holiday favorite of all the fur babies this year!

Have dog friendly recipes of your own? Share a recipe (or the link) you love making for your pets in the comments below! Excited to try out our recipes? Let us know what you think! Which recipe will your dog be drooling over this year?

Just Around the Corner offers pet care of all kinds, including daily Dog Walking , Dog Hiking, and Pet Sitting in Plymouth, MA. To learn more about how Just Around the Corner can help, check out our Services Page. You can also Contact Us for more information. Be sure to Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Instagram!

brown newfie waiting for treats Plymouth MA

Lola Bear ready for MORE of her Dog Friendly Thanksgiving recipes!